Nature &


McAllister Park is an ecologically diverse place as it lies at the the interface of 3 ecological zones, or ecoregions. Ecoregions are naturally distinct places identified by their geology, climate, and plant and animal communities.

Common wildlife and plants found in the park are representative of the Edwards Plateau, Blackland Prairie and South Texas Plains ecoregions.

White-tailed deer, nine-banded armadillos, racoons, striped skunks, barred owls, great horned owls and red-shouldered hawks are regularly seen at McAllister Park.

Other wildlife you may be lucky to see that are less common, or migratory, include the state endangered Texas tortoise, ringtails, rock squirrels, painted buntings, spotted towhees, coral snakes, bobcat, coyotes, and gray foxes.

Seeing wildlife is one of the most exciting things about being outdoors in nature, but please remember to enjoy all wildlife from a distance.


Species Reported in the Park

You can see species reported in the park below. Please note that observations on iNaturalist are by the public and may not always be accurate

Mammals List from iNaturalist

Invertebrate List from iNaturalist